The Lehle P-split is the ultimate tool to get rid of all hums and noises. Apocalyptica uses P-split to split their signals to 2 channels, amp-channel and effect channel. It is superhandy because it ´s passive and has a groudlift. The Lehle P-split has saved us so many times when we had humming difficulties. Apocalyptica warmly recommends Lehle P-split to all professionals and even to hippies!

Josh Lattanzi
I’ve been using the Lil Lehle switcher since 2012. The build quality is so solid, and the switching is smooth and silent. I can’t recommend their products enough!
(Photo Credit: Ed Davis)

Tomo Fujita
I love your product. Especially like me who want to use two amps without any noises, without adding any colors!
All analog and it sounds beautiful! You made my life easy and happy!

Jordan Peters
I’ve been using Lehle products for years, particularly the P-Split. The simplicity, durability and slickness of the design is unmatched - truly great products.
(Photo Credit: Markus Lackinger)

Markus Birkle
Danke Burkhard, deine kleinen Helfer sind der absolute Hammer. Sie bieten exakt was ich benötige - nicht mehr und nicht weniger - sowohl im Studio als auch auf der Bühne einfach unverzichtbar.

Carl Verheyen
Carl Verheyen Band, Supertramp
I've been using a Lehle Switcher on my main pedal board since March of 2003 and it has worked perfectly, both in the studio and live. The unit is the most durable switcher on the market, you can't break it! But the most important feature is the 'sonic transparency' that these Lehle pedals have. I couldn't do the CVBand without it, it flies all over the world with me.

Mick Box
It's one of the best switches around, quiet, versatile and built like a tank. Fantastic.

Hansford Rowe
I have been using Lehle switchers for many years without a single problem, ever. They are completely reliable and the specs speak for themselves. Lehle is among the best designed musical equipment products I have ever encountered. Thanks Burkhard!

Eddy Duffy, Charlie Burchill
If you are looking for a switching/loop pedal, look no further! Lehle are the ones, no tone loss and they switch crystal clear. What about the phase-reverse and ground switches, fantastic to have them on the pedal!

Wolfgang Muthspiel
Endlich kann ich meine Effektpedale und Loops verwenden, ohne dass der cleane Gitarrensound darunter leidet. Wir bemühen uns immer, die besten Töne zu spielen. Jetzt hat auch der Livesound ein wesentliches Update erfahren.

Joerg Dudys
Großartige Produkte von Lehle, die einen festen Platz in jedem meiner Pedalboards haben. Gitarre und Amp können aufgrund des Lehle D.Loop SGoS nun wieder ungestört kommunizieren und es wird nur in den Signalweg geschaltet, was auch benötigt wird. Dank des Lehle Dual SGoS stehen mir mehrere Routings zur Verfügung, die das schnelle Wechseln von verschiedenen Amps oder Gitarren nun endlich einfach machen.

Peter Stroud
The Lehle is by far the cleanest most quiet amp switcher I've heard. I've been waiting for something like this for years.

Jeff Pevar
My Lehle switchers are the finest quality amp switchers I have ever used. Thank you Lehle for your amazing work!

Kurt Rosenwinkel
The Lehle D.Loop establishes a level of quality and signal integrity that is way above what is available otherwise for these types of pedals. Along with its very flexible routing and helpful signal buffer, it does everything you need it to and offers top quality components in a reliable road worthy build. For anyone who cares about tone it would be welcome in the most critical studio scenarios and on tour.

Viktor Krauss
The Lehle Parallel pedal offers so many options with zero amount of signal loss or change to your sound.

Wayne Lozinak
The Lehle P-Split is the best unit I've ever used to run both of my amps together. It's a simple, clean sounding unit, that's perfect for my set up. Since I play through both amps at the same time, not switch back and forth between them, there's no extra buttons or switches on there I'm not going to use. It's also super quiet, with no hum or unwanted noise, as heard with other A/B type pedals I've used in the past.

Pawel Maciwoda
A "little" switcher on a "big" rock show-the clearest signal I´ve ever head...
thanks Burkhard!!

Max Frankl
Auf Tour und im Studio sind die Switcher von Lehle zu einem unverzichtbaren Teil meines Gitarrensounds geworden. Durch die intuitive Bedienung, die absolut geräuscharme Schaltung und vor allem die herausragende Wirkung auf die störungsfreie Übertragung meines Gitarrensignals bin ich ein absoluter Fan von Lehle geworden. Ich kann jedem Gitarristen diese- nebenbei bemerkt- wunderbar designten Boxen wärmstens empfehlen. Sie stellen eine echte Revolution zum Thema "Gitarrensound" dar.

Sigur Rós
We recently started using Lehle mono volume pedals on all of our backline. The signal quality is crystal clear, the design is simple, and the durability means we don’t have to worry about them breaking during a busy touring schedule!
(Photo by Chloe Kritharas)

Alex Scholpp
Der Lehle D.Loop als Loop auf dem Pedal Board oder für meinem Blackstar Artisan als Einschleifweg, über Midi gesteuert. Besser geht’s nicht. Der P-Split ist bei mir einfach immer im Signalweg, falls es mal brummt und das weg muß. Danke Lehle!
(Photo Credit: Ariel Pascolat)

Fredrik Thordendal
Lehle. Awesome and reliable pedals that deliver exactly what we need. Lehle has solved our live set-up problems completly. Truly terrific!

Frank Itt
Wenn es irgendetwas zu schalten und verwalten gilt, kommt man um Lehle so gut wie nicht herum. Zwei Mini-Lehle und der hervorrangende Splitter sind fast immer meine Begleiter. Super gemacht - Kompliment!

Kevin Churko
The Lehle Dual has a permanent home on my producer desk. It is the easiest, most failsafe way for me to split guitar signals and it gives me the confidence that the signal is being split without loss.

Fredrik Kihlberg
What's not to like about these pedal? I love the way they sound and function, the way they look and the fact that there’s never any issues, they just don't break!
(Photo by Chad Michael Ward)

Henrik Freischlader
I’m using the DUAL SGoS, because I am running two amps simultaneously during the whole night. That’s how I get a beautiful and wide sound. It’s simply beautiful, because it’s working for over 10 years now and nothing will break. That’s what makes it particularly special for me and road proof, too.

Arne Jansen
I’ve been using different LEHLE pedals for many years and I’m always thrilled by their great sound, design and their durability on the road.
(Photo credit: T.N.)

Andy Innes
Lehle products are consistently rugged and reliable. As a touring musician, I require gear that will perform faultlessly in a new venue each night and be able to withstand the rigours of road and air travel. The Lehle range of switchers and accesories is top quality and built to last. When combining this with the isolation, phase control and stereo capabilities that are now standard in the range, the Lehle products have become an indispensable part of my live sound.

Jack Lee
Lehle Switchers are simply the best of its kind in terms of quality, design, durability, and most importantly, the 'Sound' I love the signal buffer amp, many Routing options, and the cleanest sound you get through these 'True Bypass loops'. I use both D.loop and 3at1 pedals, and they are essential part of my guitars' set up both in Studio as well as in Live performances. Thank you Burkhard for building these great switchers!

Stephen O'Malley
I use and rely on the Lehle Mono volume pedal in all configurations. And the line switches, as well, in some instances. The reliability performance of Lehle’s builds are superb, and I appreciate especially the consistency in tone, integrity and phase control while remaining conscious of non-colouring of the signal path.
(Photo credit: Paul Grace)

Andreas Willers
The compact and robust Lehle devices are a godsent in the eternal quest of maintaining a puristic signal path (guitar - cable - amp) in more complex setups incorporating different effects and/or multiple amps.

Andreas Schmid-Martelle
Lehle, unverzichtbar für mein Board.

Olaf Grote
Cirque du Soleil, Blue Man Group
With Cirque, Blue Man Group or my own projects, there hasn't been a gig in a long time where I wasn't using at least a P-Split to eliminate noise problems of simply split a signal. The D.Loop is usually the first pedal I put on my pedal board for almost every gig.

Chris Buono
After experiencing the superior quality, and not to mention stellar technical support via a mere Little Lehle, I implemented several Lehle 3@1 and 1@3 switchers in my pedal lab while teaching at Berklee College of Music (2003-2008). These days I'm juggling content duties for TrueFire, Skype lessons with students from all over the world and touring with Karsh Kale often maintaining the TrueFire and Skype duties. At the heart of what it takes to make it all work is Lehle switchers. The level of performance these incredible units deliver is outstanding. And, they look so friggin' cool!! I highly recommend them to anyone who is serious about their sound and wants clever, no-hassle switching options. It's all there!