When we designed the BASSWITCH CLASSIC BOOST we had in mind classic passive P, JJ and PJ basses. This compact preamp combines the BASSWITCH IQ DI's boost with a 3-band-eq especially voiced for vintage basses. Additionally the treble control combines a passive high frequencies reduction with an active high frequency boost.
This can substitute the installation of active electronics in the instrument, collectors or owners of vintage instruments will appreciate this, and your vintage bass will receive a new sonic shine without altering the characteristic sound of your instrument.
The BASSWITCH CLASSIC BOOST allows gain adjustment of +/-15 dB and can be used as a stand-alone booster, it can be teamed up with the BASSWITCH IQ DI for more options or work as a compact standalone preamp in front of an active monitor or bass cab.
The approved LEHLE True Sound Technology ensures a great tone: starting from the discrete JFET input stage, up to the switching via gold-plated relais this booster offers a more than studio-standard dynamic range of over 110 dB with very little noise. The BASSWITCH CLASSIC BOOST works internally with 18 V, but is content with all power supplies between 9 – 15 V AC or DC. The extremely robust construction with its protected controls and indestructable switching mechanism will provide many years of joy with classical boosting!


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Ich habe folgende Frage zum Produkt RMI CLASSIC BOOST (DISCONTINUED) (Artikel-Nr.: 5002)
Joachim Joki Schaller
Tel +49 2855 850070
Q: Was macht ein Impedanzwandler?
A: Der Sound wird aufgefrischt und Sound-Verluste bei Verwendung langer Kabel oder Effektketten werden kompensiert.
Q: Wie kann ich den Signalverlust auf meinem Effektboard ausgleichen?
A: Durch Einsatz eines Impedanzwandlers, der für das Instrumentensignal einen hochohmigen Eingang bereitstellt und dieses Signal niederohmig an die Effektsektion ausgibt, welches weniger anfällig für Verluste ist.
Q: What is LEHLE True Sound Technology?
A: LEHLE True Sound Technology is based on individual measures that follow one common goal: transporting the sound and character of the instrument in the best way possible, without any negative alteration. It achieves an open and dynamic sound without losing any detail. The buffers are designed to easily transmit within the megaherz-range. The LEHLE True Sound technology uses either goldplated relais or goldplated switches, even the smallest currents will be transported without any degradation for many years to come.